In an effort to keep up with the rise in costs of graduate school programs over the last decade, The Goldie Initiative is pleased to announce that the organization will be increasing its two-year scholarship to $15,000 (from $10,000) starting in the 2020-21 school year this Fall. Eligible applicants – female graduate students focusing on a career in real estate – also receive significant additional program benefits such as an executive mentor assignment, access to exclusive networking events, career support, and leadership development programming.
The Goldie Initiative’s Scholarship Application is now open, and the application deadline is June 15, 2020. Scholarships will be awarded around approximately August 15 for the 2020-21 Academic Year. Students are eligible to receive up to $7,500 in scholarship funds per academic year for up to two years, for a maximum of $15,000, which is payable directly to tuition accounts at universities.
In addition to being female graduate students, eligible applicants should be studying at Midwestern or Online graduate programs in order to be able to participate in events and activities at program headquarters in Chicago. Three years or more of professional work experience is preferred, but all experiences will be considered.
Several 30-minute Informational Sessions will be conducted virtually prior to the application deadline. Interested applicants should plan to tune in to one of the following programs to learn more about the process. Click on a date to be directed to a registration page; participation is free and highly encouraged. We look forwarding to meeting you!
To apply for The Goldie Initiative’s 2020-21 scholarship opportunity, candidates should visit and apply no later than June 15, 2020. Questions may be directed to our staff team.